Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fire and Ice

Sometimes in life people have self revelations. You know, like something that happens or you just think of something and realize anything really. Well I have had something similar happen to me not very long ago. A change. A light. See my world has been dark for what feels like centuries. The sun had been burnt out for quite some time. I had goals that I would have LIKED to fulfill but no motivation. For with motivation there is reason, and a question I'd ask myself everyday is what IS that reason? You know what reason I am talking about. Reason for everything and anything. Why should I get up this morning? Should I even get dressed? Should I move from my bed? For what? I felt like a weak soul clinging to an empty carcass. Carrying myself had become a chore. But then I started to get this feeling. In my stomach. In my head. I felt something was on its way to me, or I was on my way to something, down the path of time. Hell maybe we where aimed at each other. The hints I get have never failed me before. I remember telling someone about it. Well, I told a lot of people, but the only time I really explained it.. I think it was too my mum. I said, I can feel it. And the beauty of it is, all I have to do is sit on my ass and wait for it. And I did. I didn't push anything, I knew it'd happen. However, I didn't know it would capture me like it did. Laying next to you, kissing you, feeling you made me realize, you're what I have been waiting for. In so many ways. And I want to do better. Partly because you want me to... but mainly because you make me want to. When you look at me it's like you shine like into my world. And its okay when it's dark and you're not looking at me, because I know you will again because I will make sure of that. To have my source of pure happiness offering serenity and insanity all at once is an answer to my prayers from fucking somewhere, my wishes have been granted. The type of insanity that puts a smirk on your face. Your ecstasy is mine. When I make you laugh and smile I feel like a fucking god. You are something I've needed for a long time. But I don't think you could have come at a more perfect time. Being with you will improve me mentally, emotionally, and my everyday life. I mean this when I say I want to do whatever it is that will make you happy. You say the word, and I will do what I can in my power to make sure you get it. I dedicate myself to you. And the word lucky doesn't even begin to describe what I am, because you have chosen me. I refuse to let you down.

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