Thursday, December 1, 2011

Levi Dalten Berg

A few times before I have encountered death. Whether it be a loved one or and suicide attempt. I was aware of it, the loss, of course I'd be upset but it was never something that could break me. Until death took you. I am not at all prepared for this, but who was? You being only 16, with such a good heart. Maybe its because no one could imagine life without you. I can't even now, and your gone. I sit here wondering to myself how family get-togethers are going to be without you. I don't think I could do it. The main thing I regret is not telling you something I've always wanted to tell you. I'm not really sure what I was waiting for. I guess that moment where it felt right to tell you that you are one of my heros. I looked up to you, like an older brother. I admired you. Every story you told me, I remember. Every word you said I took to heart, and are now locked away like a safe, and you have the key. I always thought when we were older and on our own that we would be not only family, but friends until the end, but this shouldn't have been the end. I remember one day at grandma and grandpa Barns' house... we were playing by the barn, and you we found a frog, and we were playing with it for awhile, and our demented asses through it in the chicken coop, that was crazy. Or how we would play tackle football or catch. And you never minded that I played even though I was goddamn terrible at it. I remember sitting up in your room with you every day after school when I went to Stark Co., I used to be excited to get up and start the school day and get it over with because I knew after school, I got to hangout with my cousin Levi. I always told people about you. How they just had to meet you because you're one of the coolest people in the world. I'd tell them stories about us when we were younger, and stories you'd tell me, they were always funny as hell, and would brighten my day. The first thing I'd ask Heather on the way to family events is "Is Levi there?" or "Is Levi going to be there?" And when she would reply yes I would act cool about it and say "Oh cool." when really on the inside I was giddy like a girl because I get to see my cuzzo. You and I are so much alike its crazy. You were the only person out of my biological family and step-family that I could fully relate to and it helped me feel a lot less alone. I'd feel awesome when you'd laugh at my jokes, because you were always the funniest person I knew. I cherish every moment I've spent with you, cuz. You were one of the things in my life that kept me going. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've started blogging again after a hiatus and put up my first post in 6 months. I was checking my stats and found that you had linked to me, Thanks. Then I checked out your blog and found that your latest entry was coincidentally similar to mine. Bless you, I hope you find healing over time and that you come to terms with such a tragic loss. I tend towards the pessimistic, but life isn't a constant vale of tears and there is still much joy and beauty to be had, we just have to seize it, appreciate it while we can and not let it drift by. Take care.
