Monday, October 10, 2011

Right now, I will explain what I truly believe in. Please take the following into consideration. (What I mean by that is don't totally blow it off, and actually read) This is all described in my own words.

The Thelema (I guess you would call it a religion) was developed by Aliester Crowley. He also was one of the people who developed the Wicca religion, which wasn't originally meant to be a religion, more so a form of magik. Crowley then wrote a book called Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law) which explains the Thelemic belief. In the book he said that is should not have to be described further than "Do as thou wilt" which is basically saying do what you desire if that is indeed what you truly desire.

He then wrote another book called Liber OZ (Duty) which continues to describe it. Broken down he basically said:

1.Your Duty to yourself: Think of yourself as "the center of the universe" in a way. Learn who your true inner self is. Devote yourself to YOUR own true will.

2.Your Duty to others: "fight when necessary, avoid interfering with the will of others, enlighten others when needed, and to respect the nature of others"

3.Your Duty to mankind: The law of the Thelema should be the sole basis of how you act. Crime is considered a violation of ones will or desire.

And finally,
4. Your Duty to all other beings and things: The law of the Thelema should be used to solve all your problems and decide all your ethical questions.

There's much more to know about this.. much more that I just cannot explain, you will have to research some yourself!

On that note,
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” (AL I:40) and “Love is the law, love under will” (AL I:57).

To me, this is how life should be lived. I believe that maybe your own true will and desire may hurt some, but in the long run your helping yourself out. Maybe to be happy, maybe to learn for your mistakes. I feel that you should respect the opinions and beliefs of others but do not let it bias. Create yourself. than again Marilyn Manson once said that everything created what inspired by something else. 

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