Thursday, June 16, 2011

A begining.

How exactly does one start a blog? Who do you expect to read it? How do you expect them to interpret it?

Hi, Hello, I'm Courtney Koontz. Mind open and crowded. Life, decent. Thoughts, free to explore. I have tried blogging in the past because I always have so much to say, yet when it comes to getting my thoughts into words, they freeze and become hard to understand. I often make no sense at all yet, make perfect sense at the same time. My thought process confuses me all though I'm the only on who understands it. I have very poor grammar, I try my hardest. I often rack my brain about things many other people don't care to think about.

I'm only 16 years old, and I always find myself lost in social situations with people my age. I feel like I grew up way to fast and I don't exactly share the same interest they do. Teen's often want to talk about who whats-her-face is dating and what whats-his-face did to her, and how much of a slut that-one-girl is. To me all that talk seems so pointless. Who cares? But still, I want to feel like a kid so I try my hardest to befriend those my age but it always seems it goes no where.

A lot of people can't understand my way of life or why I do the things I do. Sometimes I get myself into things and have to remind myself that I am just a kid. Not many will take to heart what I say to them.

I tend to think to much, which brings me down from time to time. I am a very paranoid person which I find it very obvious that I got that from my Dad. I am diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress. I also have really bad anxiety. This gets in the way of things... A lot.

I feel I have said all that can be said right now.

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